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Skegby Library Foodshare


‘Food Share’ is an initiative of the Neighbourhood Forum, Stanton Hill Coop and Skegby Library (run by Inspire).
It has three objectives:
- to reduce food waste
- to make food available to those who need it
- to encourage use of the library.
Every Wednesday and Saturday morning, a pair of volunteers takes available perishable food from the Coop to the Library at 9.00 am, where it is placed on shelves or in a fridge and made freely available to those who need it. Non-perishable food donations are also received and used in the same way. At the end of the morning the volunteers return, clean the shelves and fridge and dispose of the remaining perishable food.
Currently there are eight volunteers, each of whom carries out about two sessions per month. More volunteers would be most welcome!
On Wednesdays Inspire also runs a Place of Welcome in the library at about the same time, providing tea, coffee and biscuits for all who would like to come (this is one of four Places of Welcome in the Neighbourhood).